1 “CE-MONT” Mountain Economy Center of the “Costin C. Kiritescu” National Institute for
Economic Research – INCE, Romanian Academy, 59 Petreni Street, Vatra Dornei, Romania
The lesson we can learn from the Coronavirus crisis is that we need to think long-term and beyond financial risks. The choices we make now must take into account the economic recovery based on considerations that support sustainability. In this scientific approach I started from the hypothesis of designating the mountain area as a pillar of support of society in the crisis generated by Coronavirus. If we look realistically, but from an optimistic perspective, we will see that this crisis has brought to light many opportunities in the mountain area, which have not been given due attention, especially for political reasons.
The mountain (as a whole) can support society and the economy. Romania’s mountainous area is essential for our well-being and health, whether we are talking about the short-term or the long-term, although it has been less found in the existing policies and in the current decision-making tools and system. In addition to providing us with high-quality mountain products, the water we consume, and the air we breathe, mountain ecosystems (which have not withstood the chemicalization process) also help communities to be more resilient to social and environmental changes.
mountain area, COVID 19, mountain product, forest therapy, mountain tourism