Simona-Andreea URSACHE, Silvia VACULA (BOBOC)
„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of
Geography, Bd. Carol I, 20 A, 700505, Iasi, Romania
Tourism is a complex socio-economic phenomenon that has been expanding in recent years, specific to modern civilization, which has a strong impact on the world economy by addressing all age groups. It appears to be the most dynamic sector of the developed countries’ economy and is strongly anchored in society’s life. This paper aims to highlight the tourist resources available to the mountain counties of the North-East Development Region, which can form the basis of a complex tourist profile, both at regional and national level. The tourist resources, natural or anthropic, directly influence the tourism development potential of a destination, the specific activities and the degree of attractiveness, therefore their capitalization would represent important premises for the development of tourism in the mountain areas.
natural tourist resources, anthropic tourist resources, mountain areas, North-East Development Region