Centre of Mountain Economy “CE-MONT”
The ”Mountain Product” has become a reality of sustainable development. The quality term offers recognition for the quality of these products and new opportunites for the producers, as well as for the consumers. Most of the consumers already associate the term “mountain” with the idea of health, authenticity, purity and quality. This has been brought forward even more by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic that has taken over our country from the beginning of 2020. The population has opted for a healthy diet, the mountain products becoming highly sought for.
The general public has become more interested by healthy diets, and the mountain products have become very much sought after. The future of the socio-economic development of the mountain area must be looked at in the context of stabilizing the local population, of a superior valorification of the raw materials, preserving cultural identity, protecting the environment, all of them premises that will ensure an upward evolution of mountain communities.
The presence of the logo “mountain product” on the labels of the products that have been granted the right to use the term helps promote the territories these products are coming from. Through their identity elements, combined with the images on the product label, the consumer can associate the taste of the products with the landscapes, customs and traditions of the area they are coming from.
mountain product, mountain, producer, health, pandemic