Adrian-Daniel MUNTEAN
Faculty of Geography, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, 5-7 Clinicilor Str., 400006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The purpose of this scientific endeavor is to raise awareness of the current situation regarding Ținutul Pădurenilor (Ținutul Pădurenilor, as it has been presented on the international promotional website). It is an ethnographic area of great importance to the entirety of the Romanian mountain area, being investigated for centuries. The present paper presents some specific elements of the ethnographic area, using available bibliography written by a series of researchers. Then, using the cartographic method, the communes, and composing villages are presented. Through the investigation technique, there has been organized a series of interviews with members of the local population, to show the current situation and present dysfunctionalities. Ținutul Pădurenilor and likewise, the whole of the Romanian mountain area needs improvements that have to manifest through complex interventions and recovery strategies of the padurean space.
Ținut, Pădureni, Poiana Ruscă, ethnography, decline