Research-Development Institute for Grassland – Brașov
Cucului Str., no. 5, Cod: 500128, Brașov County
E-mail: maruscat@yahoo.com
DOI: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.10397211
The agrosilvopastoral systems specific to the Mediterranean countries with warm and
dry climate are also found in our country – from the plain to the mountain area, with
permanent settlements. After deforestation, aimed to expand the pasture area which serves as
the main source of forage for domestic animal breeding, isolated trees were left, especially to
provide shade. The originality of this paper stands in describing an agrosilvopastoral system
like this with beech (Fagus sylvatica,), located in Obârșia – Dulcea from Gurghiului Mountains
(on 1.150 m altitude), owned by a compossessorate from Ibănești commune, Mureș County.
Pastures found in open field dominated by Nardus stricta recorded a pastoral value (PV) of
38,6 % and a green forage production (GM) of 6 t/ha (very poor), with reduced crude protein
content (CP) of 11%. The vegetation cover found under beech dominated by Festuca rubra and
Poa pratensis recorded increases in PV with 50% and in GM yield with 60% and a better CP
content with 8% compared to the values recorded on pasture without trees. Furthermore,
besides proving shade for animals, beech also deliver fruits (beach nut) which serve as food
supply for pigs and occasionally for sheep.
Considering the higher productivity of pastures
found under beech, the well-being of animals, and the biodiversity and not at last the pastoral
landscape, we recommend the adoption of a proper management aiming to maintain and
conserve the isolated beech located in mountain pastures, taking into account also the climate
global warming.
agrosilvopastoral system with beech, pasture productivity, biodiversity, animal well-being