Brîndușa COVACI
Centre for Mountain Economy of the Romanian Academy – National Institute of Economic Research, 13
Septembrie Street No. 13, Bucharest
In the current pandemic context, the business sector present significant damages. In order to recalibrate the European economy, the paper propose sevitization applied to mountain entrepreneurship, because this concept fits perfectly into the new global pandemic context. As example, the paper present the Population of active enterprises in the European mountain area for Financial, insurance and real estate activities excluding holding companies. As a case study, the article analyses entrepreneurship in the North-East region of Romania. The paper introduces two hypotheses: H0 (the null) – the probability of recession across an industry is not positively correlated with the central tendencies (regress) or H1 (the alternative) – the probability of recession across an industry is positively correlated with the central tendencies (increase). The conclusions show that for the case study the recession across an industry is positively correlated with the central tendencies. The article contains key concepts as mountain entrepreneurship, business sector and servitization. Methods of the paper are proposing the analysis of the descriptive statistics combined with exploratory research. The article contains results for the analysis of an emergent sector for European mountain and North-East region of Romania. The conclusions point that in order to realize the true potential of servitization, the business sector needs to plan for digital transformation.
Keywords: mountain entrepreneurship, servitization, business sector